Navigating COVID-19 Recovery: 10 SEO Strategies for Business Resilience

April 22, 2020 Navigating COVID-19 Recovery: 10 SEO Strategies for Business Resilience By Gaurav Madan

Humanity is facing its worst crisis in decades. A novel coronavirus outbreak has brought life to a standstill. The deadly virus has killed more than 100k people, while more than 2.5 million cases have been confirmed to date.

The outbreak has altered our way of life. Social distancing is the new buzzword. Coronavirus has hit businesses of all shapes and sizes really hard. Even cash-rich companies have become cash-strapped. Many companies have already downsized or are seriously considering reducing their team size, while others have gone out of business.

This is a tough time for businesses. As the world slumps to the worst economic slowdown in decades, businesses see a tough time ahead. That, however, does not mean business owners should resign themselves to fate. As a business owner, this is your opportunity to show the world what you are made of.

Instead of panicking, you need to keep your cool. Remember quick decisions create regret. Always think before you act. You need to realize that this is a temporary crisis. Humanity has faced and overcome challenges before, and we will do it yet again.

Are you thinking of cutting down your SEO budget? Think again! With a substantial percentage of the global population under complete or partial lockdown, now may be your best opportunity to target a global audience.

Media consumption has significantly increased since the lockdown forced us indoors. People are looking for information. They want to know how companies are reacting to the crisis and the steps they are taking to keep their consumers and employees safe.

Many people are using digital platforms to assess their options for buying essential items and staying informed and entertained.

SEO insights will not just assist businesses today, but will also drive success, helping businesses survive and thrive in the economic storm coronavirus leaves in its wake.

Here’s Why.

Search has an Over sized Channel Share

A study shows that around 53 percent of traffic to websites comes from organic search. Around 83 percent of search traffic is organic. Many businesses have stopped investing in paid search due to business interruptions.

Before you decide to follow suit, consider how your paid strategy supports your organic strategy. Think about novel ways to drive more traffic to your best content to get it noticed. Come up with a plan to provide your target audience the information they need, while prioritizing your brand goals.

Fresh Content is King

Google loves E.A.T. content- expertise, authority, and trustworthiness. Creating compelling content, however, may not be enough to rise up the Google rankings. The search engine giant’s hunger for fresh content knows no bounds. It is always on the lookout for the latest and most relevant content that readers can use to make informed decisions.

Continue to regularly publish interesting and informative content. This will improve your chances of climbing to the top of Google search results. Also, regularly update your evergreen content. Add COVID-related information, statistics, and CTAs wherever you can.

Search optimization Naturally Improves User experience

Applying SEO practices to optimize your site and content will improve your user experience. Thoroughly check your website’s layout, and elements of website design. Look for opportunities to improve your UX.

Properly marking up, replacing unclear CTAs with impact full CTAs, correcting image alt text, and using internal links will improve your website’s UX. It will become easier to navigate and will load faster.

SEO Drives Long-term Targeted Traffic

Though it requires an upfront investment (for a meagre immediate pay-off), SEO drives sustainable results. Earned search ranking can persist for years. The content you create today can be updated in a way that reflects your changing business goals through the economic recovery.

You must also review your top-performing evergreen (created in the past) content and update and optimize it for the current situation.

SEO Increases User Engagement

You need to realize that organic search is part of almost every consumer’s research process. Though many consumers start their research process by conducting organic search, it is also used at different stages of the customer life cycle including consideration.

Remember, this crisis has affected one and all. Coronavirus lock-down has even hit your buyers’ operations. As they look for information and solutions, you have unprecedented opportunities to engage them through impact full content including reviews and testimonials that build trust.

Talk to your SEO Company in San Jose about legitimate link building and PR opportunities available to your business. Think about ways to leverage these opportunities through SEO.

SEO is an Important Part of any Marketing Strategy

Your offline strategies will create demand, giving your target audience reasons to learn about your products and/or services.

After a person is exposed to your messages, they will use the Internet to find relevant information about your business. They will read customer reviews, analyze ratings, and visit your website to collect as much information as they could about your business.

No matter how effective your offline channels, if you have a weak online presence, you are putting your business at a huge disadvantage.

As consumers look for information, the importance of creating and delivering impact full content to your current and prospective buyers now is more important than ever. Make sure your content answers important questions and contain information that your target audience is seeking.

Get rid of or update outdated landing pages. Make sure information displayed on your website and social media accounts is relevant and accurate in light of COVID-19 related operational changes. Provide important information such as change in operational hours and methods of contacting your business.

Providing accurate information will help build and maintain trust in testing times.

The Demand for Relevant and Accurate Information has Reached All-time High

It is only human nature to seek information during testing times. The world has shut down. The unprecedented threat has forced people to look for information to stay safe and sane. This is your opportunity to reach out to your consumers and establish your authority in your industry.

To help people reduce or manage anxiety, provide accurate information related to COVID-19. Remember to provide different methods such as an email opt in, link to a download, or invitation to follow your business on social media platforms to users to stay connected with you.

Share only information substantiated by trustworthy sources such as the WHO and the CDC. Link to reputable external sources known for providing reliable information.

SEO Provides Conversion Optimization Benefits

Consumers’ media needs are at an all-time high due to the COVID-19 crisis. This is a great opportunity for SEO managers who constantly think about how their content can help prospects take the next step in the sales funnel.

SEO managers can use quality content to fill gaps in their customers’ journey. For many businesses hit hard by the crisis, this may be not the best time to convert prospects into sales.

That said, they must look for opportunities to re-optimize at least for now to encourage their target audience to take some other desired action that will deepen the relationship. Re-optimizing will also help businesses stay on top of mind until things start to look up and sales become possible.

Search Provides Valuable Insights

Analyzing search data now is more important than ever. You can use your search data to gain insights into how COVID-19 has changed peoples’ lives. Search data can reveal important new search trends.

Use your search data to understand what your buyers are looking for now that they weren’t before (can be anything from grocery delivery to the most fun things to do at home).

You need an SEO strategy in place to collect and analyze this data. Once you have critical data at your fingertips, you can use it today and tomorrow to respond to customer needs.

Search data does not just tell what your buyers and prospective buyers are looking for, but also reveal why they are looking for a particular product or service. Once you get a grip on your search data, coming up with a plan to reach out to your target audience becomes easier.

SEO is Important for Both Global and Local Businesses

Whether you are a global or a local business, your customers use search. An effective SEO strategy will help you appear in their search results. If you are a local player, now is the right time to optimize your content for your city or region.

For businesses with operations in different parts of the world, now is a good time to optimize their content for different markets. When localizing for a market, ask your local employees to provide hyper local text for impact full local content.

Looking for trustworthy SEO companies in Dallas that can help you adapt your SEO strategy for COVID-19? Look no further than Autus Digital Agency. We proudly serve local and international businesses from almost all major industries. Equipped with the necessary skills and expertise, our SEO experts will create a digital strategy that fits your needs. To consult one of our SEO experts, call 1-408-547-4030 or +91-9811936926

Gaurav Madan

About Author

Gaurav is working on various verticals like IT & Software Solutions | Digital Marketing | E-Commerce | BPO | Outsourcing | Offshoring | Global Deliveries | Exports | Education. Gaurav believes in CHANGE, which is constant throughout the LIFE so be with the CHANGE Gaurav is having, In-depth experience in IT Solutions, Offshoring, Internet Branding, Sales & Marketing, Managing New Projects & Processes, Solution Designing and Transitioning of New International and Domestic business engagements. Proficient at managing & leading teams to run successful operations & experienced in developing procedures, service standards, client satisfaction using standard frameworks for business excellence.

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