Top 11 Social Media Trends in 2023 You Should Know

July 31, 2023 Top 11 Social Media Trends in 2023 You Should Know By Gaurav Madan

About two decades ago, it was impossible to predict just how big social media would get or foresee all of these platforms we now use every day. And yet here we are, staring down the barrel of a very different social media landscape in 2023. Sociological studies have shown that there is a slight but recurring subdued correlation between the future’s characteristics and what people on the internet consider to be important. Having your finger on the virtual pulse of contemporary society, we’ve been keeping an eye on this phenomenon for quite some time now. In this article, we will be discussing some of the top social media trends for 2023, as well as in the coming years. These trends will help you to have a clear picture of what lies ahead for marketers and how they can make their campaigns more effective.

Top social media trends in 2023 are :

1. The Rise of Consumer-Generated Ads

The rise of consumer-generated ads is a trend that is expected to continue in the coming years as brands make more use of social media influencers and other sources of user-generated content. The reason why this social media trend is crucial is as it allows brands to reach their target audience more effectively by allowing them to use content created by their customers. In the past, marketers used to create the content themselves and then share it on social media channels. But now, they are shifting towards curating user-generated content (UGC) and sharing them online. In fact, according to Market Week, more than two-thirds (68%) of marketers say they plan to increase their spending on this type of ad over the next 12 months. In addition to being cost-effective, user-generated content has been shown to be much more effective than traditional advertising. Studies also show that UGC is up to 22 times more effective than banner ads at driving engagement and up to 36 times more likely than video ads to drive conversions for e-commerce sites.

Consumer-generated ads allow users to create their own ads through their favorite apps or websites and then share them with friends and family on social media platforms. A great example is Snapchat’s Snap Ads which allow users to create their own ads in just a few simple steps. The best part about these types of ads is that they offer a much deeper connection between your brand and your customers than traditional ads because they feel more personal and authentic — which means higher engagement rates!

2. Increase In Visual Content

Visual content such as photos, videos, and infographics have become an integral part of digital marketing strategies because they convey information more quickly than text alone can do. The shift from text-based content to visual content is all about engaging your audience in a more efficient manner. In the past few years, we have seen a steady increase in the number of images shared on social media. This trend will continue in 2023 and will affect both marketers and consumers. The rise of visual content is due to the fact that people are spending more time on social media and are using their phones to do this. As a result, marketers need to provide more images and videos if they want their posts to be seen by their audience. Visual content can help you create an emotional connection with your target audience as well as make them remember your brand better. It also helps you reach out to a broader audience base due to its universal appeal. You can expect more businesses to shift towards using visual content for marketing purposes.

3. The Rise of Social Commence

Social commerce has been one of the hottest topics since 2016, and this social media trend will continue to grow in popularity in 2023 as well. In fact, it has been predicted that by 2023 at least 25% of all e-commerce sales will be influenced by social commerce campaigns. The biggest trend driving this growth is new ad formats designed specifically for shopping. These include carousel ads and shopping ads, which let users browse products without leaving their feed or search results page.

 At the same time, brands can sell their products directly through their social media pages instead of having visitors click through multiple links before reaching their website. This helps strengthen customer loyalty because people can easily access all their favorite products from one place instead of having to go through different websites looking for what they want. More and more businesses have started using social media platforms as a sales channel because of their ability to reach the entire social media community and increase sales. Additionally, social media commerce platforms can be used to provide real-time customer service and feedback, as well as enable consumers to share their reviews and recommendations with other users.

4. A Transition Towards Mobile And Customer-Centric Marketing

According to Statista, more than 60% of users are now accessing at least one social media platform from their smartphones. As mobile usage continues to increase, businesses will have to shift their focus towards mobile-friendly websites and apps, so they can reach out to their customers easily through smartphones or tablets while they are on the go. This social media trend is expected to continue in the coming years and will impact the way marketers approach mobile marketing strategies. 

In addition to this transition towards a mobile-first marketing strategy, businesses have started focusing more on customer-centricity in their marketing campaigns. Gone are the days when companies used to push generic messages at their audiences without knowing their pain points or needs. Now they are listening to what customers have to say through various online channels and then responding accordingly by addressing their concerns or offering them targeted solutions.

5. Increase In The Use Of Voice Search

Voice search is still in its infancy, but it’s growing rapidly — and it’s expected to continue its growth throughout the next decade. Voice assistants like Siri and Google Assistant are becoming more intelligent and able to respond to more complex queries than ever before. In fact, Google says that by 2025, over 50% of all search queries will be made using voice search. The reason being that voice assistants offer convenience and ease of use when compared with typing on your phone or computer keyboard. As this social media trend continues in 2023, voice search will become a key component of any digital marketing strategy. With this increase, we are likely to see an increase in social media content created for voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, Cortana, and Google Assistant. This means that brands need to prepare for this shift by ensuring their websites are mobile-friendly and optimized for voice search queries. Furthermore, marketers will need to produce more videos and other content that can be easily consumed through voice controls on our phones. 

6. The Rise of Messengers

Messaging apps like WhatsApp, Messenger, and WeChat have been used by billions of users worldwide for sending messages and making calls. In recent times, messaging apps have been used as marketing and sales platforms by businesses as well, allowing them to communicate with potential customers through bots built within these platforms. People are turning to messaging apps to share everything from GIFs to photos and videos in private conversations with friends and family — rather than post them publicly for all their followers to see. This shift has created an opportunity for brands looking for new ways to reach their audiences through marketing campaigns that blend messaging services with traditional advertising methods such as display ads or sponsored content. This will make it easier for businesses to provide better customer service and also improve their brand awareness by interacting with potential customers through personalized conversations.

7. Influencer Marketing Is Here To Stay

Influencer marketing is the next affair in our social media trend 2023 list. Companies have been using influencer marketing for decades now, but it has only recently become mainstream as an effective way to promote products and services on social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Influencers can reach audiences that traditional advertising can’t touch, making them an invaluable resource for companies looking to build their brand or increase sales through social media networks. It’s estimated that 90% of consumers trust recommendations from people they know (or believe they know). That’s why influencers have become so important in helping brands reach their target audiences online.

In 2017, Instagram introduced a new feature called ‘Instagram Shopping,’ which allows users to buy products directly from influencers. The platform already has more than one million active sales at any given time, proving that influencers are an effective way to generate revenue. The use of influencers will only continue to grow in the coming years as more brands try their hand at this lucrative form of marketing. By leveraging the power of social media influencers, marketers can drive traffic back to their website and increase brand awareness among their target audience without spending much money on advertising or marketing costs. Influencers are not only paid by brands but can also earn money through ads on their own channels or websites by using affiliate links for products or services recommended by them. 

8. The Emerging Trend Of Chatbots

Chatbot technology has been around for several years, but it’s only now become mainstream due to advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms that allow chatbots to give human-like responses based on user inputs. Chatbots are becoming more and more popular with brands as they allow them to interact with customers in real-time on social media platforms. While Facebook Messenger bots have been around for some time now, Instagram recently announced that they will also allow brands to use these features on their platform as well. This means that if you have an account on Facebook Messenger and Instagram, you can expect your business to reach out to you through these platforms in the future!

Chatbots have proven particularly effective when it comes to customer service, where they can provide quick answers without having to wait for a human agent or go through complicated menus. They can also be utilized as a marketing tool by offering promotions or coupons through instant messaging platforms such as WeChat or WhatsApp. So, don’t be surprised if the next time you go to Facebook or Instagram, you see a chatbot offering information about an upcoming event or offering a discount code at checkout. 

9. Social Media Listening

We’re already seeing social media listening being used by brands to help them better understand their audiences and what they want from them. While social listening has been around for a while, it’s only just starting to be used by brands on a large scale. In the future, it’s likely that social listening will become even more important as a means of identifying potential customers before they actually reach out and engage with a brand.

By listening to what people say about them online, brands are able to react quickly and provide better customer service than ever before. The ability to do this will only grow over time as social media becomes more sophisticated and more data is available for companies to analyze. This will be done through tools like Sprout Social’s TweetDeck, Google Analytics’ Social Data Hub, and Facebook Insights’ Page Posts tab.

10. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

Augmented reality is a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user’s view of the real world, whereas virtual reality replaces the real world with a simulated one. The growing popularity of AR and VR is a social media trend that’s expected to continue in 2023 and is set to be the next big thing in the realm of social media. More and more brands will focus on integrating these mainstream technologies into their marketing strategies to create truly immersive retail experiences. This could include trying on clothing or shoes from home or in a virtual dressing room or even trying out different hairstyles before making a purchase. 

The ability to immerse yourself in a completely different world has already proven itself as an exciting new way to engage with customers. Some companies have even started using AR/VR for customer service purposes, such as Sephora’s Virtual Artist App, which allows customers to virtually try on makeup before buying it. It’s predicted that by 2025, there will be over 1 billion users of VR globally, so if your business isn’t already using this technology, then it may soon become essential for you to do so!

11. A Greater Focus on Brand Advocacy at a Global Level

Brand advocacy has been around for years now, but it’s only recently that we’ve seen it become an essential marketing tool. The proliferation of social media platforms has created an opportunity for consumers to share their opinions with each other without having to rely on traditional advertising channels like TV commercials or billboards. Brands are realizing that their target audience is becoming more empowered with each passing day, and they need to find ways to engage these consumers directly if they want to stay relevant. As a result, there is now an expectation among consumers that brands will listen and respond quickly if there is something wrong with their products or services.  

As we move away from traditional advertising and embrace a more customer-centric approach, it’s likely that we’ll see more brands focusing on building relationships with their most loyal customers rather than buying eyeballs online. Consequently, marketers and brands will focus more time, energy, and resources toward building brand advocacy programs at a global level. This will include better measurement and tracking tools so that organizations can see how well their efforts are working throughout the world (rather than just in one country). 


It is undeniable that the world of social media is changing rapidly, and so are the social media trends and norms in 2023. With the rise of mobile devices and increasing internet penetration, new social media platforms will continue to emerge while others fade away. As such, the future of social media will bring more opportunities but also more challenges. By looking ahead and anticipating new social media trends in 2023, you’ll be poised to take advantage of them previously and capitalize on them as they unfold. The outlook is good, but everyone has to do their part.

Gaurav Madan

About Author

Gaurav is working on various verticals like IT & Software Solutions | Digital Marketing | E-Commerce | BPO | Outsourcing | Offshoring | Global Deliveries | Exports | Education. Gaurav believes in CHANGE, which is constant throughout the LIFE so be with the CHANGE Gaurav is having, In-depth experience in IT Solutions, Offshoring, Internet Branding, Sales & Marketing, Managing New Projects & Processes, Solution Designing and Transitioning of New International and Domestic business engagements. Proficient at managing & leading teams to run successful operations & experienced in developing procedures, service standards, client satisfaction using standard frameworks for business excellence.

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