Google introduced Shoelace – a new social network to ‘tie people together’

July 25, 2019 Google introduced Shoelace – a new social network to ‘tie people together’ By Gaurav Madan

With Shoelace, Google is scripting a comeback to social media, which is expected to bring a massive revolution in the digital-sphere. With key features including those already found on Facebook, Shoelace is equipped with some more specifications, just in case you were wondering.  Now, you might ask why the app is named Shoelace; it is to resemble the social media’s effectiveness in tying people together.


Ranging between emailing service, search engine, navigation, and many other distinctive sectors of digital media, Google is almost everywhere. Nevertheless, even legends have some bad phases, which they overcome anyways. Google has found it severely hard to express its triumph in the field of social media networks.

Although it had attempted not once, not twice; but thrice with little to celebrate about, Google hasn’t given up on its dream of expanding into the social media game, yet. It’s worth remembering that the search engine giant had previously come up with Google Plus, Google Buzz, and Friend Connect.

Google Plus has recently retired from service a few months ago, which suggests that Google had been planning for quite some time now, regarding the launch of its beta social media app. As per the reports, we have come to know that the app would be primarily launched in New York, and as things start flourishing, soon Google would take the application to a worldwide stage. However, such a discussion hasn’t been made official, as of now and all we can do is speculate. Nevertheless, we have vital information regarding Shoelace.


Being a mobile app, Shoelace has its iOS and Android versions, which make the software usable by the masses. As it shows, Google’s Shoelace has taken ideas from different social media sites already in existence and turned them into a better version. For instance, Shoelace would be an event-based social media application. It works similar to real-life events, fairs, workshops, etc., where you get to know new people and befriend them. Through Shoelace, you do meet new friends based on the common connections you have. Google has named these elements of connection as ‘Loops.’


‘Loops’; in a descriptive language, are the interests you create for yourself based on which the app would suggest you about the upcoming and ongoing events in your city. The theme of the app is completely to make enough room for new people to browse social media content and in the meantime, explore new opportunities for initiating friendship with new people.

For using Shoelace, all you need to do is create your account and share your interests. Currently, this particular social media platform is accessible through invite codes only that are available at some of the project partner’s websites.

AREA 120

The development of this social media platform is going on at Area 120, which happens to be Google’s dedicated workshop for bringing creative ideas into fruition.


Now that the product is ready to hit the floor, the entire tech universe is anticipating a shift in consumer behavior, with a new social media platform in on the cards. 

Have any queries? Comment your questions below.

Gaurav Madan

About Author

Gaurav is working on various verticals like IT & Software Solutions | Digital Marketing | E-Commerce | BPO | Outsourcing | Offshoring | Global Deliveries | Exports | Education. Gaurav believes in CHANGE, which is constant throughout the LIFE so be with the CHANGE Gaurav is having, In-depth experience in IT Solutions, Offshoring, Internet Branding, Sales & Marketing, Managing New Projects & Processes, Solution Designing and Transitioning of New International and Domestic business engagements. Proficient at managing & leading teams to run successful operations & experienced in developing procedures, service standards, client satisfaction using standard frameworks for business excellence.

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