Top Seven Social Media Marketing Flaws to Avoid

July 5, 2015 Top Seven Social Media Marketing Flaws to Avoid By Gaurav Madan

Social media marketing is an important tool that can help enterprises extend their consumer base and augment brand renown. However, when starting off with an SMM strategy, startups often commit certain avoidable mistakes. Take a look at the top seven campaign flaws you can easily avoid.

1. Using the Wrong Social Platforms

Effective marketing is possible only once companies are aware of their target customers and center their social media campaigns on sites that those consumers frequent. For instance Twitter is ideal for enterprises seeking to put out a strong message, while LinkedIn is useful for B2B companies. Google+ facilitates SEO and Pinterest is perfect for those who have visually appealing posts.

2. Losing Focus on Content Creation

SMM efforts are incomplete without sound content creation. Blog posts and intriguing articles are a great way to convey the significance of your business to your target customers. It is imperative that you generate well researched write-ups that highlight your expertise. Such write-ups need to be informative, although they must be interesting for readers as well so that they can generate maximum eyeballs.

With the tough competition online, enterprises that ignore content marketing end up with feeble SMM attempts.

3. Using Generic or Promotional Content

Every media platform or social networking website is created for a different function. Therefore, it would be foolish to attempt to use similar content when you market on different platforms. Doing so will greatly dilute the purpose and reduce the effectiveness of the marketing strategy. Instead, note the tone of the posts on the site before you create content that best fits in yet attracts attention.

A common mistake many make is going overboard with constant product promotion. Informational messages about the industry, interesting deals and other related information will draw the attention of prospective clients.

4. Constant Inactivity or Extreme Activity

Having a company twitter account that only sees quarterly updates is no good. Similarly posting several times a day must be avoided as well. You must keep the messages coming routinely without bombarding readers and coming across as spam.

5. Absence of an Individual Branding Strategy

The public responds well to founders being associated with their brands; this is apparent with the example of Steve Jobs and Apple as well as Kingfisher with Vijay Mallya. It is crucial that the SMM campaigns include individual branding for the founder as a face people can remember and relate to.

6. Posting Standard Replies to Customer Comments

The opportunity to interact with customers is an important benefit of social media. Sadly, a lot of enterprises respond to reviews with a standardized reply. Instead taking the time to thank consumers for favorable reviews and asking them to continue patronage would be prudent. Similarly taking a moment to apologize for a bad shopping/ dining experience can encourage a disgruntled customer to visit again.

7. Failing to Customize Posts to Appeal to the Target Audience

Take a moment to ponder upon the audience that you wish to market to. If it is corporate clients you pander to, post in a formal tone, but if it is young consumers use a conversational tone with trending phrases for a wider appeal. Also make sure you post at times when the messages are likely to gain maximum visibility.

Steer clear of these errors for a successful SMM crusade for marketing companies Los Angeles that leads to greater brand consciousness and a better communication with consumers.

Gaurav Madan

About Author

Gaurav is working on various verticals like IT & Software Solutions | Digital Marketing | E-Commerce | BPO | Outsourcing | Offshoring | Global Deliveries | Exports | Education. Gaurav believes in CHANGE, which is constant throughout the LIFE so be with the CHANGE Gaurav is having, In-depth experience in IT Solutions, Offshoring, Internet Branding, Sales & Marketing, Managing New Projects & Processes, Solution Designing and Transitioning of New International and Domestic business engagements. Proficient at managing & leading teams to run successful operations & experienced in developing procedures, service standards, client satisfaction using standard frameworks for business excellence.

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