11 SEO Trends for 2023 That You Need To Know

January 15, 2020 11 SEO Trends for 2023 That You Need To Know By Gaurav Madan

The process of building an online presence does not happen overnight. To increase the quality and quantity of traffic to your website, you need to invest in SEO. SEO is a marathon, not a sprint. Anyone who claims to help you get to number one on Google overnight either does not know anything about SEO or is trying to dupe you of your hard-earned money. You can rest assured that the person will over-promise and under-deliver. When the temptation to take the shortcut gets too hard to resist, remind yourself that good things take time. For sustainable results, adopt best SEO practices. Remember SEO is still an evolving field. SEO techniques and best practices that are in trend today may fall out of favor tomorrow. To improve your SEO, you need to keep on top of these trends, and tweak your strategies accordingly.

Here are some SEO trends that are expected to make a splash in 2020.

Increased Focus on Leveraging Influencers

Let’s admit it ads are annoying. During the last decade, the human attention span has considerably decreased. And ads aren’t helping! Ads can frustrate the target audience of a business. Many ads are unreliable. People are much more likely to trust influencers (an individual who has established credibility in a specific industry) than engaging with misleading ads. Over the years, digital marketers have increased their investment in influencer marketing. In 2020, more SEO companies will jump on the influencer marketing bandwagon. There are several benefits of hiring or partnering with an influencer. An influencer can help drive more traffic to your website by amplifying the reach of your content.

Featured Snippets Will Continue to Dominate Search Clicks

Google uses Featured Snippets to deliver a better search experience. Snippets usually appear above the number 1 result. A study found that around 55 percent of clicks from Google originate from Featured Snippets. More SEO companies in Houston than ever are using snippets to supercharge their clients’ online marketing. To make the most of this feature, provide clear answers to FAQs on your website.

More Websites Will Optimize for Voice Search

In the not-so-distant future, voice search will become a daily part of our lives. It is estimated that 50 percent of online searches will be voice-based in 2020. While many businesses have already optimized their website for voice search, others are expected to follow suit this year.  To increase your website traffic, optimize it for voice search by adapting your content.

Mobile UX Will Have a Major Impact on the Google Ranking of Websites

The number of people who use their mobile devices to browse the Internet is increasing with each passing year. Mobile UX is already an important SEO ranking factor, and is expected to gain more prominence in 2020 and beyond. If you do not already have a mobile version of your website, make designing a responsive website your new year resolution. Make sure your website is displayed correctly on mobile devices.

The Popularity of Video Content Will Continue to Rise

If you have already not incorporated video into your content marketing strategy, now is the best time to get to work. Demand for video content is increasing with every passing year. Studies show that an average user spends 88 percent more time on a website with video. Video is more engaging than text and pictures. Additionally, video content can be used to make messages stick for a longer time. To leverage video marketing, create educational and interesting videos. Make sure your video content strategy is aligned with your marketing goals.

Click-Through-Rates and Dwell Time to Become Important Ranking Factors

CTR and dwell time are important metrics that can impact your website’s ranking in a major way. These metrics are associated with user experience. In 2020, a high CTR and dwell time will matter even more. To increase your dwell time and CTR, upload informational and interesting content (that answers your users’ questions) to your website regularly. Match the searcher intent and get backlinks from reputable sources.

High-Quality Content Is and Will Always Be King

Quality content is more important than ever. Google and other search engines recognize and award high-quality content. Content that seems like a sales copy will push your target audience away. To establish credibility, create compelling content that addresses specific pain points of your target audience.

Content Length To Matter More Than Ever

Studies show that pages with at least 2,000-word articles get more users than pages with shorter content, and it makes sense! Users prefer getting information from one source rather than spending hours hopping from one link to another to analyze information from different sources. High word count, however, is not enough. Your content should be relatable and relevant. It must answer all the questions your users may have. To build brand authenticity, post informative and interesting content to your website and social media platforms.

People Will Demand Excellent Digital Experiences

Good is no longer good enough! People expect brands to delight them. They want excellent digital experiences. No matter how compelling your content is, if your website does not have a good user experience, your content won’t make any substantial difference. A study shows that 40 percent of Internet users abandon a site if it takes more than three seconds to load. Make sure your website does not take more than two seconds to load. To avoid overwhelming your users, keep navigation simple and logical. Avoid using industry terms and jargons that your users may find difficult to understand.

Structured Data Will Become Increasingly Important

Recently, Google updated initial guidelines and added support for new types of structured data such as FAQ pages and fact-check. To give your website a definitive edge, you need to keep on top of these trends. Decide the schema of your pages according to these trends. Use tools, plugins, and solutions that allow website owners to implement structured markup.

Artificial Intelligence Will Impact SEO

AI will play a major role in shaping the future of SEO. Google is already using AI to improve its user experience. AI can determine whether a webpage delivers value. With time, the technology will get better. In the not-so-distant future, AI will help marketers create better and targeted content. It will also assist SEO managers in creating stronger analytics and improving reporting.

2020 will bring new challenges and opportunities for businesses. At Autus Digital Agency, we are committed to helping our clients make the most of digital opportunities and face challenges head on. We are a passionate team of SEO professionals with an impeccable track record of delivering high-quality solutions that work in the real world. To avail our SEO services in san jose, call us at +91.11.45064996.

Gaurav Madan

About Author

Gaurav is working on various verticals like IT & Software Solutions | Digital Marketing | E-Commerce | BPO | Outsourcing | Offshoring | Global Deliveries | Exports | Education. Gaurav believes in CHANGE, which is constant throughout the LIFE so be with the CHANGE Gaurav is having, In-depth experience in IT Solutions, Offshoring, Internet Branding, Sales & Marketing, Managing New Projects & Processes, Solution Designing and Transitioning of New International and Domestic business engagements. Proficient at managing & leading teams to run successful operations & experienced in developing procedures, service standards, client satisfaction using standard frameworks for business excellence.

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