Result-Oriented SEO Strategy for Small Businesses That Work in 2023

May 19, 2020 Result-Oriented SEO Strategy for Small Businesses That Work in 2023 By Gaurav Madan

The Internet has blurred geographical and political boundaries, making it an essential tool for small businesses. It has brought the world closer and simplified our lives. A few years ago, if you had told a person that technological innovations would enable two people residing in different corners of the world to see and talk to each other in the future, they would have thought you were crazy or on drugs. Implementing a strong SEO strategy for small businesses can help them harness the power of this global connectivity.

The Internet has become an integral part of our lives. We use the Internet to accomplish a range of objectives, from ordering food to keeping in touch with the people who matter.

It has opened doors to new opportunities for businesses around the world. Companies can now buy and sell from any part of the world. They no longer have to set up physical offices in different parts of the world to target a global audience.

The importance of having a strong online presence now is more than ever. Work with your Phoenix Digital agency to develop an effective strategy to increase brand awareness and create buzz for your brand.

There are more than a billion websites. To make your business stand out in the crowd, you need to develop an SEO plan to improve your customer experience.

Digital marketing without SEO is like a body without a soul. Whether you are a local business or a flourishing conglomerate, consider creating an effective SEO strategy a priority. When it comes to digital marketing, an effective SEO strategy is a key to success. A wise approach drives highly targeted traffic to your website and focuses on building a positive online reputation.

If you have just jumped on to the digital marketing bandwagon and do not know where to start, you have come to the right place. Here are some tips for building a pragmatic and cost-effective SEO strategy.

Audit Your Site

First things first, you need to find out how search-friendly your site is. Remember, if your content is invisible to search engines, they won’t be able to index and list your site.

If all your content is in HTML, you have nothing to worry about, as search engines will see it; however, making non-text content such as images, Flash files, and Java applets visible will involve some work.

Here are some ways to make non-text content visible:

  • To give search engines something to crawl, assign alt attributes to images in jpg, png, or gif
  • Provide transcripts for audio and video files
  • Replace text with CSS style on images
  • Repeat content on Flash pages or Java plug-ins

Even if you have all your content in HTML, use tools such as MozBar or Google cache to see what elements on your website are visible to search engines.

Conduct Your Competitor Analysis

Knowing your competitor is half the battle. Use competitor analysis tools to identify and track broad and niche competitors. Check on-site competitive rank with keywords. Tracking your competitor will help you figure out what works, and what doesn’t work in your industry.

Generate Profiles of Your Target Audience

Before creating a content and keyword strategy, you need to understand who your target audience is. Create broad descriptions of your ideal customers.

Work with your SEO agency houston to collect demographic information, including the age, family status, preferred social media sites, and job and income of your ideal customer. This data will help you understand the motivations of your target audience.

Next, think from the perspective of your target audience to understand their pain points and needs. Answer questions such as how can your product or service help address the problem they are facing? Do they have any concerns that are stopping them from buying from you?

Once you start understanding where your target audience is coming from, you can apply your know-how to create customized content and keyword strategy.

Create Your Keyword Plan

An effective keyword plan will be instrumental in driving high-quality traffic to your website. Create a list of relevant keywords. Put yourself in your customer’s shoes to develop an understanding of the nature and extent of their pain points.

Based on your understanding of your business and your target audience, create topic buckets. If, for instance, you sell marketing software, some general topic buckets could be inbound marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, and blogging.

Fill in your topic buckets with relevant keywords (tip – Think about the most popular keywords your potential customers may be using). Alternatively, use Google Analytics to find out which keywords your website is being found for.

If you are unable to think of enough keywords your target audience might be using, go to Google and type relevant phrases. Scroll to the bottom of the page. You will find a list of suggestions for searches related to your input. You can use these suggestions to figure out more keywords.

Make sure you have a mix of head terms (short, generic keyword phrases that are not more than three words in length) and long-tail keywords. Find out the keywords your competitor is trying to rank for. Use Google AdWords Keyword Planner to streamline your keyword list.

Create Impactful Content

Content is and will always be king. Make content the nucleus of your digital marketing strategy. Think about content that answers the questions your target audience may have. Instead of trying too hard to stuff keywords, use them naturally. Create scannable content structured in a way to help readers locate the little nuggets of information they are looking for.

Use visual content such as graphs, charts, blog post banners, pictures, screenshots, and graphics. Use infographics to present complex data in a consumable format.

Google loves fresh content. To get the attention of the search engine giant, create and upload fresh content. To give Google one more reason to crawl your site, regularly update your old content.

Instead of covering common topics, try to create content that is entirely different and stands out from the crowd. And remember, when it comes to content, consistency is the key to success. Publish at least a post every week on your website.

Create an Effective Link Building Plan

Link Building involves attracting inbound links/backlinks to a website. Here are some ways to attract backlinks to your website:

  • Share your links with other businesses in exchange for links to their sites
  • Publish content on popular social media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook and Google+
  • Publish articles on other websites (guest blogging)
  • To increase your chances of getting linked to influencers in your industry, publish posts related to
  • recent events or news
  • Write testimonials

Take Steps to Improve Your Website’s User Experience

Only a handful of the billion-plus active websites get noticed. If your website takes forever to load or has complex navigation, you run the risk of losing customers. The modern buyer is demanding and impatient. Even a 1-second delay in your website’s load time can have a significant impact on your conversion rate.

Work with your SEO company in san jose to create and implement a plan to improve your website’s user experience. Here are some tips you might find useful:

  • Create White Space Around Text and Titles: White space around text and titles can increase user attention by up to 20 percent. White space can make your website look fresh and modern.
  • Reduce Page Load Time: Studies show that an extra five seconds of page load time can increase a website’s bounce rate by 20 percent or more. To speed up your website, compress images before loading them. Use a content distribution network. Reduce redirects and minify JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
  • Maintain Hierarchies: Maintaining visual and typographic hierarchies is one of the most effective ways to improve content readability. Do not use more than three types of fonts.
  • Make Sure Your Navigation Bar is Easy to Use: Make sure your navigation bar is easily located and easy to explore.
  • Use Impactful Calls to Action: Use impactful CTAs that encourage users to take desired actions. Place them in strategic locations. Use strong command verbs and words that evoke emotion.

Optimize Your Website for Mobile Devices

Over the years, the number of mobile internet users has increased drastically. In 2019, mobile devices generated around 53 percent of global website traffic.

Optimizing your website for mobile devices should be your priority. Here are some tips for scaling your website across mobile devices:

  • Use a Responsive Theme: Use responsive themes or mobile-friendly templates that provide a high-quality display for your users.
  • Do Not Use Flash: Flash has become obsolete. Using it throughout your website is an SEO mistake you do not want to make as it will increase the load time of your pages. Using Flash does not make sense as neither Android nor iOS devices support it.
  • Make Sure Buttons are Easy to Use on Mobile Devices: Small buttons on mobile devices are challenging to use and can frustrate your users. To prevent this from happening, use bigger buttons. Whenever you add a button to your site, test it on multiple mobile devices.
  • Use Large Font Sizes: Reading on a mobile device can be quite a challenge if the font is small. To ensure your users have a hassle-free experience, use a font size of at least 14 px. Before choosing a font, test out how it looks. Stick to standard fonts.
  • Optimize Images: One of the most effective ways to optimize your website for mobile devices is by increasing site speed. This can be achieved by compressing images and CSS as they take a lot of space and enhance your webpage load time.

Think Local

Local SEO company Phoenix is a branch of SEO that focuses on optimizing a website to increase its chances of appearing in local search results. There are more benefits of investing in local SEO than you probably realize. Local search marketing is highly targeted and cost-effective.

Here are some tips to improve your local SEO:

Set Up and Optimize Your Google My Business Account: To get your business to show up on Google Maps, set up your GMB. Once you have claimed your GMB account, optimize it. Here are some optimization tips you might find useful:

  • Verify your listings
  • Provide accurate and complete information
  • Encourage your customers to write online reviews
  • Move swiftly to address customer complaints and grievances
  • Create impactful content (tip –Use videos and photos)

Create Content Around Local Events and Stories: One of the most effective ways to get the attention of your local audience is by creating content around local news, events, and stories. Create videos about charities working in the region or causes your business supports.

Use Local Keywords: Use Google’s Keyword Planner to filter keyword searches based on your location. This will enable you to create a list of locally relevant keywords.

Create a Location-specific About Us Page: Location pages are a must for businesses with multiple locations. Make sure your location-specific About Us pages contain important information such as store hours and contact details (address and phone number). Attach its Google location to each location page. Use impactful, individualized descriptions.

Leverage Online Business Directories: Get your business name, address, and contact details into prominent online business directories, such as Yelp, Yellow Pages, MapQuest, and Foursquare. This will improve your visibility and improve local SEO. Your listing must also include:

  • A unique and thorough business description
  • Backlink to your website

Track and Measure Your SEO Success

No matter how effective your SEO strategy is, you will fall short of your goals if you fail to track your SEO success and take the necessary steps to improve your SEO. Use Google Analytics to track important metrics such as bounce rate, acquisition overview, and conversions.

Find what percentage of your traffic comes from organic search. Track behavior flow. Work with your social media agency to devise a plan to track your social shares.

Autus Digital Agency offers a full range of digital marketing services in dallas. Our team comprises passionate, self-driven digital marketers. We offer cost-effective and sustainable digital solutions. Our unparalleled expertise in creating custom solutions that address our clients’ specific pain points sets us apart. Contact us to talk to one of our digital marketing experts.

Gaurav Madan

About Author

Gaurav is working on various verticals like IT & Software Solutions | Digital Marketing | E-Commerce | BPO | Outsourcing | Offshoring | Global Deliveries | Exports | Education. Gaurav believes in CHANGE, which is constant throughout the LIFE so be with the CHANGE Gaurav is having, In-depth experience in IT Solutions, Offshoring, Internet Branding, Sales & Marketing, Managing New Projects & Processes, Solution Designing and Transitioning of New International and Domestic business engagements. Proficient at managing & leading teams to run successful operations & experienced in developing procedures, service standards, client satisfaction using standard frameworks for business excellence.

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