How People Search: Delving Into The World of Search Behaviors

April 5, 2024 How People Search: Delving Into The World of Search Behaviors By Pradeep Chauhan

Did you know Google searchers use its autocomplete suggestions 23% of the time? Let us tell you another interesting fact, too. On average, a user takes nearly 14.6 seconds to click on their search results.

SEO has evolved drastically over the last decade, and some major algorithm shifts have occurred. Now, in the 2020s, the popularity of image and video-based searches has risen massively.

Modern search behaviour combines Artificial Intelligence, Search engines, and SEO to maximize user experience with relevant search results in less time. Today’s advanced language tools allow search engines to understand a user’s intent even before they are done writing their query.

Businesses need to keep up with technological advancements to keep up with the latest trends in search behaviour. This blog will explore the way people search and offer tips on optimizing content based on user intent. Let’s explore more below.

What is Search Intent?

User or search intent is the reason for which a searcher enters a query in a search engine. It communicates what a user wants with their search.

For example, they may want to find a particular website for their purposes, purchase a product, book a service, or just explore some information on a particular topic. Suppose you want to buy coffee, so you will enter “best coffee brand” in the search section to find relevant answers.

Types of Search Intent

There are primarily four types of search intents:

  • Navigational: This refers to when a searcher seeks a particular page. In this case, users already know what they want. For example, Starbucks coffee, Louis Vuitton bags, etc. Navigational search intent is typically branded. Such brands use keywords to ensure that their audience finds their pages easily.
  • Informational: This means that the searchers seek to gain knowledge about a topic. Informational searches generally have phrases like what, why, how, and who. For example, how to build a good SEO strategy, Brad Pitt movies, etc. For such queries, the most popular content type is blog and articles. So, keep in mind that you should publish informative blogs to boost your SEO campaign.

Here’s why you should target informational keywords:

1. Millions of Google users conduct informational queries every day. So, incorporating informational keywords can help you boost your online visibility.

2. When you provide relevant and useful informational content to your target audience, you build trust and credibility.

3. Incorporating informational keywords in your content strategy can help you get more genuine leads.

Though informational keywords may not have large search volumes, they can still help you grow your brand.

  • Commercial: This means including keywords your potential customers are using during their research phase of the purchase journey. This is when a user needs information connected with the decision-making step, such as the best indoor plants for the living room or the iPhone 15 pro max review.The results for commercial keywords can also include third-party pages, so ranking such keywords becomes quite a challenge. However, with the right strategy, you can do it.
  • Transactional: It means that the searcher has decided to do something specific. Please note that it isn’t just about sticking to purchases. For example, a searcher conducting a transactional query might want to download software or sign up for a newsletter.
    Users use transactional keywords when they are ready to convert and are money-makers for businesses.

How To Determine Search Intent

Determining search intent is important to understanding the stage of the customer journey. Sometimes, the intent can depend on the searches. For example, “What is SEO” indicates that the user wants to learn about SEO, so it is an information query.

Sometimes, it may not be possible to understand the intent in one go. So, we suggest using tools to calculate search intent, such as SemRush and the Keyword Magic Tool.

Keywords and User Intent

Keywords and search intent go hand in hand. Selecting the target keywords with high volume will not benefit your business; you must also understand the search intent.

Besides, people tend to drop keywords with less volume as they have no “SEO Value.” But you need to understand that your content must also be user-focused.

How To Optimize Content Based on Search Behaviors

Marketers and businesses need to understand that content plays an important role in driving an audience and is a powerful engagement tool. Let’s quickly examine the 5 most effective behavioural strategies that can help you develop more user-focused content.

  • Identify Where Your Content Fits for Users

Considering today’s Google algorithms, which primarily focus on optimizing user experience, developing user-focused content is synonymous with SEO-optimized content.

You need to clearly understand your target audience and what attracts them to your content. You also need to understand their search intent. This will help you develop content that considers the users’ behaviours and interests.

  • Incorporate Storytelling

Generating compelling content is key in SEO. To engage your audience, you must incorporate storytelling in your content as it’s an integral part of how we communicate. Make sure that the narrative or story is the foundation of every piece of content you develop. Besides, choose such language that resonates with your target audience.

  • Work on Building Relationships with Customers

Customer interaction is a good opportunity to build a good relationship with them. It significantly impacts customers’ decision-making process. Your brand must impart a positive impact on your existing and prospective customers’ memories.

Understand the customer’s stage in their journey and develop relevant content. This will make them feel you are attentive to your customers.

  • User-First Approach

Putting users in the driver’s seat will help you understand what they seek in their search queries. Many brands follow a business-first approach, and they lose their customers midway. Instead, develop content keeping users in mind. This principle will increase your conversion rate.

  • Select Static or Dynamic Content Wisely

You need to decide whether to develop static or dynamic content. There is no right or wrong option.

Static content is written considering current scenarios and clarifies the topic. It is suitable for detail-oriented users.

Dynamic content involves writing more about the future and is based on visions and imagination.

Generating balanced content with a combination of both can also help you deliver quality content for your audience.

Impact of Voice Search on Search Behavior

  • Shift in Search Pattern

Nowadays, more people choose voice searches, ask conversation questions, and use voice assistants. Search engines like Google have incorporated technologies to answer such language more effectively. Voice-search-activated websites have made information more accessible than conventional search.

  • Local SEO

With the emergence of voice searches, more people ask queries with “near me” in them. This makes the process more efficient and allows users to ask for a product store or service close to their location, such as “best restaurant near me.”

Also Read: What is Local SEO?

  • Long-tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are descriptive and help users find the search results for their specific queries more efficiently. With voice assistants, people ask interactive queries and full questions rather than just speaking two —or three-word keywords.

  • Structured Data Markup

Structured data provides context as voice searches involve more conversational queries. This helps search engines to show featured snippets in results.

  • User Intent and Context

As voice searches promote long-text searches, they help search engines understand the user intent. For example, a user may ask, “When can I get the best pizza nearby?” This question not only communicates the user’s intent to find the best pizza place but also communicates their preference for nearby options.

  • Mobile Optimization

To maximize the voice search experience on mobile devices, businesses should adjust their content for natural language queries, ensure faster page loading on mobile devices, and add images and structured data.

  • Multimedia Content

Brands need to ensure they have relevant images and video content, as voice searches offer multimedia content in results. This not only provides adequate visual information but also increases users’ engagement.

  • Google SGE and AI Results

Google SGE (Search Generative Experience) and AI algorithms have also transformed people’s search approaches. Hence, Natural language processing (NLP) and the ability to use context-rich phrases are enhanced to respond to voice search queries.

  • Power of Visual Searches

The supremacy of smartphones and the evolution of image recognition tools has increased the popularity of visual searches. In fact, the majority of GenZ adults prefer making their purchase decisions on the basis of visual-oriented results.

Optimizing content for visual searches can include image-to-text techniques and deep tagging to help search engines understand the image content. Also, develop an SEO strategy keeping visual searches in mind.

Upgrade Your SEO Strategy with Autus Digital Agency

Search intent is crucial for the success of an SEO strategy. However, you also need to find the right expert for this job. Your search ends with Autus Digital Agency by your side to transform the game with a tailored marketing strategy. Call us today and let us discuss your requirements.


Pradeep Chauhan

About Author

Pradeep Chauhan, a reputed digital marketing leader at Autus Digital Agency, has over 14+ years of experience in the industry. As the Head of Digital Marketing, he specializes in comprehensive online marketing services like SEO, SEM, ORM, SMO, and SMM. His innovative skills to achieve organic rankings on search engines set him apart from others.

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