What Are the Reasons for Hiring a Facebook Advertising Agency?

June 23, 2020 What Are the Reasons for Hiring a Facebook Advertising Agency? By Gaurav Madan

Social media advertising is utterly beneficial for advertisers to target their consumers more effectively. Businesses that prefer to spend on social media campaigns spend an average of 60% lesser than other ad campaigns. Whether you target your audience manually or upload your contact list to target your audience through phone numbers, Facebook provides recommendations for everything. And to add to it, every option Facebook provides to your business is highly customizable and effective.

Are you considering a Facebook Advertising agency for your business? When all you are looking for is an ad campaign tailored to each part, including the audience, goal, or budget – there is nothing better than Facebook ad campaigns.

Establishing your business goals for your Facebook ad campaign is an essential part before you start designing it. The options may include:

  • Spreading awareness
  • Driving discovery
  • Generating leads
  • Increasing sales
  • Building your brand presence
  • Encouraging customer loyalty

By creating a business page on Facebook and boosting your posts, you can achieve four times more engagement from your Facebook ad campaign. With the ability to select how you want to pay for your ad campaign, either pay per conversion or pay per impression, you can effectively manage your budget for each Facebook ad campaign.

But Why Facebook?

Many social media platforms offer business promotion, and you can choose any of those platforms to promote your brand. Then why Facebook?

With the rising popularity of Facebook, it is quite difficult for anyone in society to exist without using or being aware of Facebook. This social media platform has proven itself a pioneer in social networking and as a powerful social media advertising platform.

Founded in 2004, Facebook has grown to over 2 billion monthly users, and more than 1.6 billion mobile monthly users. Considering the global population to be 7.8 billion, more than one-quarter of the world’s population either uses Facebook or at least has a Facebook account.

Whether you are a small business or a large business owner, usage of Facebook ad campaigns will help your business reach a massive audience. All it needs is an active and effective ad strategy. There are more than 70 million dynamic business pages on Facebook, and more than 65% of users check Facebook to look out for local businesses.

Why You Need A Digital Advertising Agency For Facebook Campaigns?

You can’t miss out on the one-fourth of the world which is present on Facebook. The rising number of active users increases the opportunity for your business to spread awareness, engagement, and increase ROI. However, the competition among social media agencies is also getting higher, along with any other thing.

While it seems easier for any business to manage their Facebook ad campaign by themselves, it is not. An experienced digital advertising agency can optimize your Facebook campaign the way it matters the most on this social media platform.

If you understand that already but are looking for more reasons before hiring a social media advertising agency, we got these top 7 reasons for you!

  1. Time is Money: You don’t have time to manage all your Facebook ad campaigns on top of managing your business. To grow your business through Facebook ad campaigns, you need to work on them attentively. To create, manage, and optimize your Facebook ad campaigns, you need to have a dedicated social media agency whose primary focus should be to direct your growth.
  2. Cash is King: As the need for digital marketing grows, the demand for digital marketing managers also grows. If you prefer hiring a digital marketing team for your business, you can’t do without paying an annual salary.

Hiring a digital advertising agency will demand a much smaller cost. As per the surveys, if you are hiring an agency, it can save you 400% more money than hiring a full-time employee.

  1. Agile to Change: Either you are looking to turn around an ad campaign or getting a vital ad performance report – everything is possible while working with a digital advertising agency. Keep in mind that an experienced Facebook ad agency follows a robust execution process. A Facebook advertising agency will be able to convey any last-minute change to your original strategy.
  2. Marketing Expertise: Most business owners know a thing or two about marketing to get results for their businesses. As a business owner, you need to grow your business and not work in it. Leaning on the skills of a digital advertising agency, you can remove the burden of marketing from your daily to-do list.
  3. Resourcefulness: Creating a Facebook ad campaign is all about designing ad images, choosing the right audiences, writing an ad copy, and a few more things. But you can’t do any of them without enough resources and skill. Hiring a Facebook ad agency will aid your ad campaign by imparting a professional touch to everything.
  4. Turnover: We are not saying that there is less turnover within a social media agency than an in-house marketing team. But the point is that putting your Facebook ad campaign in the hands of a single in-house employee will be risky and not necessarily cost-effective.

Your Facebook ad campaign may be at stake if your in-house employee leaves or goes to a competitor.

On the other hand, agency models allow a full team to work on your campaign on your behalf. There are more than just one individual holding the same role in an ad agency. Thus, whatever may the situation be, your ad campaigns go on.

  1. Quick Results: You want your brand to grow and bring you as much return of investment as possible every time you plan your Facebook ad campaign. A digital advertising agency tests frequently before settling on an ad campaign strategy. Facebook advertising agencies know what works for your industry and what doesn’t.

More than 60% of global marketing spending each year is wasted. It is recommended that you stop guessing and throwing your precious advertising spend, and invest in someone who has enough knowledge to align with your business goals.

How A Digital Advertising Agency Works For Your Facebook Ad Campaigns?

Facebook Ad Audience Targeting and Retargeting:

Even though you have created a compelling ad content for your Facebook campaign, it will not bring you results until it’s placed in front of the correct audience. If you are not using the ad targeting feature of Facebook to reach your target audience, you are merely ruining your company’s money and time on getting clicks from consumers who are not the best-fitting target audience for your business.

Facebook helps you reach the consumers interested in your company’s services or products by allowing you to choose your audience based on the information you share about your ideal consumers (details like interests, behaviors, and other demographics).

A digital advertising agency develops a comprehensive and creative Facebook ad that helps your business better reach and engage with your ideal consumers. The agency will also help you if you want to benefit from Facebook retargeting, which allows your business to reach your existing leads again who have taken an interest in your brand or participated in your previous campaigns. This tool gets you another chance to close a sale. An agency also controls audience insights feature to understand your target audience and connect with more people who may love your business.

Facebook Campaign Ad Designing:

There are various Facebook ad formats you can choose from to share your brand story with your target audience. You can use a photo, a video, a carousel, a slideshow, and many other formats to showcase your brand in front of your audience and deliver your message.

A social media agency provides you with both guidance and the best-fitted ad formats that meet your campaign goals. On the other hand, designing creative ads ensures that your brand builds the right impact on your target audiences. A professional Facebook advertising agency can craft creative ads to make a long-lasting impression on your target audience.

A social media agency finds out the best practices for how a Facebook ad should look like to add the right audience and make the right impression. They also create landing pages for your business and forms to provide a flawless conversion experience for your target audience.

Facebook Campaign Ad Copywriting:

Though a picture may be worth 1000 words, your brand needs to have engaging ad copy to help your target audience understand your brand story and what your company has to offer to them. Your Facebook ad copy needs to be developed based on the goals of your ad campaign and where your target audiences are.

If you want to build brand awareness, you need to focus on the challenges of your consumer and your brand value. If you’re going to increase sales with your Facebook ad campaign, your Facebook ad copy needs to focus on the characteristics and benefits of your company’s products and services.

An expert social media advertising agency can develop compelling and optimized ad copy that increases conversions. With years of experience, a Facebook ad agency knows what types of ad content drive the most conversions. You can create your unique brand story and showcase your distinct value with a good ad copy.

Facebook Landing Page A/B Testing:

A/B testing helps you determine the improvements that you can make to your Facebook ad campaign and enhance performance. It helps you to have better judgments about your Facebook ad strategy. But you need to have enough knowledge and experience with Facebook ad campaigns and developing landing pages to build A/B tests effectively, analyze the results, and make decisions based on the data.

A social media agency can go the extra mile to create Facebook landing pages and Facebook ads while creating different A/B variants to determine whether your brand is getting the best possible results. After deciding on which variables to test, they will also run various A/B tests for your Facebook ad campaigns to determine how each variable works for your campaign.

A professional agency also gathers and analyzes the information to check whether there is any scope for improvement.

Providing Ad Analytics and Optimization:

The best way to determine whether your Facebook ad campaign is working for you or not is to track the results of your campaigns over time and analyze those results based on your KPIs.

The measurements help you know if you are reaching your objectives for the Facebook ad campaigns and getting a high return on investment, and help you create an efficient future Facebook ad strategy.

A social advertising agency carefully and accurately tracks the conversions of their clients’ Facebook ad campaigns. They also go a step further to use the gathered information to experiment and make better decisions based on that data about how to optimize a Facebook ad delivery. Once they know how to improve your Facebook ads, they also make changes to your Facebook ad content, landing pages, and other ad variables based on their analytics and test results.

A Facebook ad agency can effectively optimize your Facebook ad campaign. With them, you can be sure that you will make the most of your ad spend.


You need to consider many factors while hiring the best-suited Facebook advertising agency for your business. You can ask the most crucial questions before finalizing your decision to hire a digital advertising agency. A worthy Facebook advertising agency will be eager to analyze the data to understand the outcome of your Facebook campaigns better and also figure out how to improve them and also identify ways to take your programs to the next level.

Autus Digital Agency has all the related resources to make your Facebook campaign a success. Autus Digital Agency has an in-house creative team to optimize the design, and a social media team is dedicated to each of your Facebook campaigns. We treat our customers as our partners, and we are a professional digital advertising agency in Houston for all your business needs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How to Determine My Target Audience Using Facebook?

You can use the audience manager tool for Facebook to determine your target audience. There are three primary audience types: saved audience, a lookalike audience, and a custom audience. You can choose your target audience based on their interests, age, location, gender, occupation, and even used device. You can set your target audience while setting up a Facebook campaign or even the audience manager tool. Through Facebook pixel, you can target your audience based on your past website traffic.

What’s the Best Guide for Targeting On Facebook Ads?

Your Facebook campaign depends on targeting your audience on Facebook. Before targeting your audience, you need to work on your content marketing. The next thing is to check the fan base of your competitors, using audience insights. To set your custom audience, you may start by combining the basic demographics like the age, gender, and location of your target audience. You can also target audiences who are like your existing customers with lookalike audiences.

How to Target Facebook Ads Based on Phone Numbers?

You can target your audience through their phone numbers and other personal information. If you want to create a custom audience through the existing phone numbers, you need to select an ad objective before targeting those phone numbers. You can choose a custom audience from the drop-down and then click on ‘Add customers from your file or copy and paste data’ to upload your phone numbers. You can upload a CSV file or can simply copy and paste those phone numbers.

How to Target Cold Audiences with Facebook Ads?

Your custom audience may stop working after a certain point in time. You need to find a new cold audience on Facebook based on the interests of the users and lookalike audiences. To uncover a new cold audience, you need to examine your click-through rates, cost per acquisition, conversion, and revenue. Sometimes, targeting a cold audience through your Facebook ads is as simple as adjusting your existing audience size in a country or a region based on the customer data.

What is a Good Audience Size for Facebook Ads?

If your ad campaign targets 500,000 to 1,000,000 people – that is the best audience size. In general, if your Facebook ad is targeting more than 1,000,000 people, the audience is broad. With a broad-sized audience, it will be difficult for you and Facebook to find the best people who are interested in your offer. When your target audience is less than 500,000, Facebook fails to pick up people to match the goal you want.

How to Target Facebook Ads to a Group Name Or Page?

This is simply not an option provided by Facebook directly. But you can still target people who have liked individual Facebook pages and have specific interests. The first thing that you need to do is to post a video or a Facebook live on your business page. Now you need to hide that video immediately from your page’s timeline. The next thing you need to do is share that hidden post with a specific group you want to target. Now you can create your custom audience based on people who have watched your video.

How to Target Facebook Competitor’s Audience?

Targeting the audience of your competitors is interest-based targeting. This means that people who have liked your competitor’s business page easily get converted to your page, being a similar kind of business. First, you will need to get to the setting menu to create your interest-based targeting. You need to play with a combination of keywords that represents your competitor to see what Facebook populates. You also use the lookalike audience tool to set the best-targeted audience for your ads.

How to Accurately Target Competitors on Facebook?

Setting a competition is right for your business. Facebook doesn’t provide you with keywords to target the audience who have liked your competitor’s page. But you can do that using interest-based targeting. The range of interest is extensive, thus targeting your competitor’s name as a specific interest is the best idea. You can type your competitor’s website URL or can even try out a few keyword combinations to target your audience.

Gaurav Madan

About Author

Gaurav is working on various verticals like IT & Software Solutions | Digital Marketing | E-Commerce | BPO | Outsourcing | Offshoring | Global Deliveries | Exports | Education. Gaurav believes in CHANGE, which is constant throughout the LIFE so be with the CHANGE Gaurav is having, In-depth experience in IT Solutions, Offshoring, Internet Branding, Sales & Marketing, Managing New Projects & Processes, Solution Designing and Transitioning of New International and Domestic business engagements. Proficient at managing & leading teams to run successful operations & experienced in developing procedures, service standards, client satisfaction using standard frameworks for business excellence.

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