Innovative Website Designing Trends For 2015

May 8, 2015 Innovative Website Designing Trends For 2015 By Gaurav Madan

With the industry of website designing, change is always in the air. Designers are always looking for new and innovative ways to catch customer attention and make a striking impact with their website. When designers think boldly, they can push the limits of interactions and engagements on a global scale. Here are a few latest design trends for 2015 that might transform our definition of modern websites.

Big is in – Making it big is the biggest transformation in website design and is the single most important principle in web design currently. There are two flavors in this web design trend – namely cinematic and book covers. While the first is inspired by TV ads and movies, the latter enhances the concept of a printed book or a beautiful catalog cover.

Innovative Scrolling

Gone are the days of the regular scrolling on websites. Designers are now opting for different kinds of scrolling effects like horizontal or color scroll, adding an element of uniqueness to the website.

Let’s Think Outside The Box

Web designers have always wanted to think outside the box and though websites always followed rectangles in HTML and design, PSD to WordPress, designers are now breaking the box. Layouts are now created without the box-like effect, giving them a completely new identity.

Google Maps Integration

Though this factor has been in the business for a while, more and more websites are opting for Google maps integration. With the customization options that Google provides, this is becoming increasingly interesting from the visual aspect as well.

Evolving Responsive Design

The web will soon become fully optimized for different viewports and therefore, responsive design is another trend that is here to stay.

Hidden Menus

As web design is going towards a minimalistic approach, many designers are hiding menus and they are only visible when you interact with an element on the top left or right of your screen.

With the constantly developing technologies, it is getting more and more interesting to embrace the new design trends that transform the industry.

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Gaurav Madan

About Author

Gaurav is working on various verticals like IT & Software Solutions | Digital Marketing | E-Commerce | BPO | Outsourcing | Offshoring | Global Deliveries | Exports | Education. Gaurav believes in CHANGE, which is constant throughout the LIFE so be with the CHANGE Gaurav is having, In-depth experience in IT Solutions, Offshoring, Internet Branding, Sales & Marketing, Managing New Projects & Processes, Solution Designing and Transitioning of New International and Domestic business engagements. Proficient at managing & leading teams to run successful operations & experienced in developing procedures, service standards, client satisfaction using standard frameworks for business excellence.

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